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Intermedia Print Solutions
100 Overlook Center Suite 200, FL 2,
Princeton, NJ 08540

Saddle Stitch Bind, Side Stitch Bind, Staple Bind

Saddle stitching is an excellent binding solution for small booklets and other printed volumes having a relatively small number of pages. Using our specially designed saddle stitching equipment, our binding experts will staple together the pages of your volume along the gutter of the folds, creating a bind that is both sturdy and highly cost-effective.

Saddle Stitch Booklets
Saddle Stitch

Saddle Stitching - one form of Wire Stitching - is a method in which metal wire (much like staples) are stitched through the spine of books, catalogs or manuals. This process is typically best for jobs with fewer pages. We recommend no more that 64 pages.

Side Stitch - Two Staples

We side-stitch bind with wire or bind with two staples along the binding edge. Two staples are inserted through the edge of books / manuals to keep everything in place. This process is ideal for large run jobs with a low page count. We recommend a minimum or 48 pages for two staple binding.

Sidewire stitching is also available and recommended for thicker and more permanent books or manuals.

Side staples or stitched books do not open flat.

Staple Bind - One Staple

Staple Binding is exactly like it sounds. A single staple is inserted through the top left corner of book / manuals to keep everything in place. This process is ideal for large run jobs with a low page count.

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